Disease modeling in the 21st century: Automated organoid assays with 3D imaging
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Disease modeling in the 21st century: Automated organoid assays with 3D imaging
In this webinar, we present a workflow which integrates the Protein Fluidics’ Pu•MA System for automated organoid assays with our ImageXpress® Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System.
Learn how to
- Automate media exchange, sampling, and staining of complex 3D systems such as spheroids, organoids, and tumoroids
- Acquire quality images at high-throughput with water immersion objectives
- Measure and analyze calcium oscillations in neuro-spheroids using the FLIPR® Penta High-Throughput Cellular Screening System
- Perform 3D volumetric analysis and other custom analyses for phenotypic characterization of compound effects