Leveraging microalgae metabolism to produce natural food dyes: an automated screening approach

Streamlining clonal selection and maintaining integrity in bio-production through quantitative fluorescent screening and easy-to-use software
The food industry's interest in microalgae is increasing due to the growing demand for natural and sustainable food ingredients. Fermentalg® is utilizing microalgae metabolism to develop and screen multiple strains of G. sulphuraria that produce a natural blue pigment (BLUE ORIGINS®) with low pH and high temperature stability. Through automated colony screening using the QPix® 420 system, they were able to quickly identify desired clones with high concentrations of C-phycocyanin, expediting the scale-up of microalgae-based natural pigment production. This highlights the promising potential of high throughput automation for the future development of microalgal products.
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QPix 400 Series Microbial Colony Pickers; IN Carta Image Analysis Software
Leveraging microalgae metabolism to produce natural food dyes: an automated screening approach
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